Located on
2893 Banksville Rd,
Pittsburgh, PA 15216

What is Speech/Language Therapy?
It is a specialty that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of speech disorders. Therapy is implemented to increase the communication skills of an individual. Speech language pathologists work with both expressive (what a child says) and receptive (what a child understands) language skills.
Why should I seek private speech/language therapy?
Research has indicated children demonstrate greater developmental success with early intervention. Parents are not limited to services offered through the school system. These services are typically covered under medical insurance plans.
What is a speech disorder?
Speech is the production of sounds, including voice quality, articulation, and rate of speech. A speech disorder may be present when a person is disfluent (stuttering), has a vocal quality that differs from the norm (i.e. hoarse, breathy etc.) or when a person adds, deletes, distorts, or substitutes sounds in words.
What is a language disorder?
An impairment in the ability to understand and/or use words in context, both verbally and nonverbally. Language is a system of symbols (words, gestures, etc.) that give meaning to speech. A language disorder may be present when a person uses poor sentence structure, has a limited vocabulary, misunderstands what people say, has difficulty following directions or does not follow the social “rules” of our culture (i.e. personal space, eye contact, touch, etc.).
Aspire's speech/language pathologists are trained to assess, diagnose and provide treatment
All of our
speech-language pathologists have obtain a masters degree from an accredited college or university and have earned national certification with a Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).

Communication disorders can be caused by a variety of factors which include, but are not limited to, brain injuries, neurological disorders, hearing loss, birth defects, physical impairments and mental retardation.
A speech-language pathologist is a professional who is trained in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of a variety of communication disorders including:

How can Aspire’s speech/language therapists help?
Speech/language pathology specializes in complete speech/language diagnostic and therapeutic services. Each client's needs are addressed individually, with sensitivity to the individual's specific situation.
Services are provided for a diverse population, treating children from birth through age 18. These services include assessment, intervention, and consultation for children with language delays, phonological disorders, developmental dyspraxia, articulation difficulties and social communication difficulties.
Special treatment plans are designed for children with autism, syndromes, apraxia, and other neurogenic disorders and developmental delays.